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Extraordinary Realms

Extraordinary Realms

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ExtraOrdinary Realms

The Extraordinary Realms project is an ongoing personal project of mine. Over time i want to create an open world environment with a range of environments both interior and exterior, which is possible to explore like a game, using Unreal 4. This is to help me learn how to optimize models for use in unreal as well as learning how to make an effective environment that works in a game scenario. The project allows for continuous expansion in my own time, for me to create a range of fun environments for practice. It follows a hexagon based ground system to allow me to more easily make adjustments and improvements to specific areas. In time, i'd like there to be interesting composition and models on every hex of the environment, to try and reduce the number of mundane tiles with just a group of trees with a path through them. For now, it's an experiment with a few different environments, that i hope to expand upon further.

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